Camerons Photo Gallery

Charlotte Schofield Cameron ( 1914 - 2002 )


Family Photos

Childhood Photos:

Charles Welch Ingram, Charlotte Schofield ( ne Cameron ) Ingram

Charles Welch Ingram


Charlotte Schofield ( ne Cameron ) Ingram

Wedding 1941

Robert Lipsett, Catherine Cameron,  Charles Welch Ingram , Charlotte ( ne Cameron ) Ingram and friends

Robert Lipsett, Catherine CameronCharles Welch Ingram , Charlotte ( ne Cameron ) Ingram and friends

Charles Welch Ingram, Alan Ingram, Roy Ingram, Eric Ingram, Charlotte Ingram, Ian Ingram

Charles Welch Ingram, Alan Ingram, Roy Ingram, Eric Ingram, Charlotte Ingram, Ian Ingram

Charlotte Ingram and Alan Ingram

Charlotte Ingram


Alan Ingram

Charles Welch Ingram, Alan Ingram, Charlotte Ingram, Ian Ingram

Charles Welch Ingram

Alan Ingram

Charlotte Ingram

Ian Ingram

Ingram family

Charles Welch Ingram

Charlotte Ingram

Alan Ingram

Roy Ingram

Ian Ingram

Ingram family

Alan Ingram

Ian Ingram

Roy Ingram

Ingram family

Alan Ingram

Roy Ingram

Ian Ingram

Ingram family

Alan Ingram & Ian Ingram

Ingram family

Charlotte Ingram

Roy Ingram

Eric Ingram



Roy Ingram, Charlotte Ingram and Eric Ingram

Roy Ingram, Charlotte Ingram and Eric Ingram

Eric Ingram, Charlotte Ingram and Roy Ingram at Corrie on Isle of Arran

Eric Ingram, Charlotte Ingram and Roy Ingram

at Corrie on Isle of Arran

Jean Ingram, Charlotte Ingram and Charles Welch Ingram

Jean Ingram

Charlotte Ingram


Charles Welch Ingram

Charlotte ( Cameron ) Ingram and Charles Welch Ingram at Port Erin

Charlotte ( Cameron ) Ingram and Charles Welch Ingram

at Port Erin

Charlotte ( Cameron ) Ingram at Port Erin

Charlotte Schofield ( ne Cameron ) Ingram

at Port Erin

Charlotte ( Cameron ) Ingram

Charlotte Schofield Cameron

Charlotte Schofield Cameron and Friend

Charlotte Schofield Cameron



Charlotte Schofield Cameron and Jean Egan

Charlotte Schofield Cameron


Jean Egan

Charles Welch Ingram, Charlotte ( ne Cameron ) Ingram, Vera Cameron, Robert Turnbull

Charles Welch Ingram, Charlotte ( ne Cameron ) Ingram, Vera Cameron, Robert Turnbull

Charlotte Cameron, Allan Cameron, Catherine Cameron, Vera Cameron

Charlotte Cameron, Allan Cameron, Catherine Cameron, Vera Cameron

The Cameron Sisters: Vera Schofield Cameron, Catherine Steven Cameron, Charlotte Schofield Cameron

The Cameron Sisters

Vera Schofield Cameron

Catherine Steven Cameron

Charlotte Schofield Cameron

The Cameron Sisters: Vera Schofield Cameron, Catherine Steven Cameron, Charlotte Schofield Cameron

The Cameron Sisters

Vera Schofield Cameron

Catherine Steven Cameron

Charlotte Schofield Cameron

The Cameron Sisters: Vera Schofield Cameron, Catherine Steven Cameron, Charlotte Schofield Cameron

The Cameron Sisters

Vera Schofield Cameron

Catherine Steven Cameron

Charlotte Schofield Cameron

The Cameron Sisters: Vera Schofield Cameron, Catherine Steven Cameron, Charlotte Schofield Cameron

The Cameron Sisters

Vera Schofield Cameron

Catherine Steven Cameron

Charlotte Schofield Cameron

Charlotte ( ne Cameron ) Ingram and Charles Welch Ingram,

Charlotte ( ne Cameron ) Ingram and Charles Welch Ingram

Charlotte ( ne Cameron ) Ingram and Charles Welch Ingram

Charlotte ( ne Cameron ) Ingram and Charles Welch Ingram

Vera Turnbull, Charlotte Ingram, Val Ingram, Robert Turnbull, Barbara Turnbull, Niall Turnbull, Rory Ingram

Vera Turnbull, Charlotte Ingram, Val Ingram, Robert Turnbull, Barbara Turnbull

Niall Turnbull, Rory Ingram

Eric Ingram, Alan Ingram, Charlotte Ingram, Roy Ingram

Eric Ingram, Alan Ingram, Charlotte ( ne Cameron ) Ingram, Roy Ingram

Roy Ingram

Roy Ingram

Charlotte ( ne Cameron ) Ingram - 70th Birthday Party

Charlotte ( Lottie ) Ingram - 70th Birthday Party

Charlotte ( ne Cameron ) Ingram - 4th from left in first row

Cath ( ne Cameron ) Carson - 3rd from left in first row

Alan Ingram on left, Vera ( ne Cameron ) Turnbull at front

George Ingram, Ian Ingram, Graeme Lipsett, Eric Ingram, Lindsey Ingram, Roy Ingram, Val Ingram, Bobbie Turnbull, Alan Ingram, Vera Turnbull, Cath Carson, Charlotte Ingram, Elaine Ingram

Charlotte ( ne Cameron ) Ingram - 80th Birthday Party

George Ingram, Ian Ingram, Graeme Lipsett, Eric Ingram, Lindsey Ingram, Roy Ingram, Val Ingram

Bobbie Turnbull, Alan Ingram, Vera Turnbull, Cath Carson, Charlotte Ingram, Elaine Ingram

80th Birthday Party - Vera ( ne Cameron ) Turnbull, Cath ( ne Cameron ) Carson, Charlotte Ingram

80th Birthday Party

Vera ( ne Cameron ) Turnbull, Cath ( ne Cameron ) Carson, Charlotte Ingram

Ian Cameron Ingram and Charlotte Schofield Ingram

Ian Cameron Ingram


Charlotte Schofield Ingram

Charlotte Schofield Ingram and Eric Schofield Ingram

Charlotte Schofield Ingram


Eric Schofield Ingram

Eric Ingram, Roy Ingram, Ian Ingram , Alan Ingram, Charlotte Ingram,

Eric Schofield Ingram

Roy McNeill Ingram

Ian Cameron Ingram

Charles Alan Ingram


Charlotte Schofield Ingram

Eric Ingram, Charlotte Ingram,

Eric Schofield Ingram


Charlotte Schofield Ingram

Charlotte Schofield Ingram and Toyota

Charlotte Schofield Ingram



Alan Ingram and Charlotte Ingram

Charles Alan Ingram


Charlotte Schofield Ingram

Alan Ingram, Charlotte Ingram and Niall Turnbull

Charles Alan Ingram

Niall Turnbull

Charlotte Schofield Ingram

Charlotte Schofield Ingram

Charlotte Schofield Ingram

Charlotte Schofield Ingram in garden

Charlotte Schofield Ingram

 in garden

Charlotte Schofield Ingram with Marjory Ogilvie

Charlotte Schofield Ingram with Marjory Ogilvie

Charlotte Schofield Ingram with Elaine and Christopher Ingram

Charlotte Schofield Ingram


Elaine & Christopher Ingram

Elaine and Christopher Ingram

Elaine & Christopher Ingram

Charlotte Schofield Ingram with Elaine Ingram

Charlotte Schofield Ingram


Elaine Ingram

Charlotte Schofield Ingram with Elaine Ingram

Charlotte Schofield Ingram


Elaine Ingram

Charlotte Schofield Ingram with Elaine Ingram

Charlotte Schofield Ingram


Elaine Ingram

Christopher Charles Ingram

Christopher Charles Ingram

Roy McNeil Ingram

Roy McNeil Ingram

Lindsay MacLean Ingram

Lindsay MacLean Ingram

Charlotte Schofield Cameron

Camerons Photo Gallery :: Ingrams Photo Gallery


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