The Carpathian Mountains

A Photo Gallery of the Carpathian Mountains of Central Europe including:-
Moldoveanu Peak in the Transylvanian Alps of Romania
and Gerlach Peak in the High Tatras of Slovakia

Romania - Rough GuideRomania & Moldova - Lonely Planet Guide Book Mountains of RomaniaRomania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia & Montenegro - Insight Travel Map Insight Map Bulgaria / Romania / Yugoslavia  High Tatra - Rother Walking Guide Walking in The High Tatras Czech & Slovak Republics - Lonely PlanetCzech & Slovak Republics - Rough Guide

Carpathians Fagaras
900 x 525

Carpathians Fagaras 2
895 x 539

Carpathians Negoiu
900 x 502

Carpathians Retezat
900 x 366

Carpathians Retezat 2
900 x 537

Carpathians Retezat 3
899 x 507

Carpathian... mountains
900 x 537

Carpathians Vanatoarea
900 x 484

Retezat Lake Bucura
840 x 550

Retezat Papusa Peak
900 x 504

Romania moldoveanu
822 x 467

Romania moldoveanu top
705 x 448

Tatras Gerlach
787 x 535

Tatras Gerlach 2
830 x 442

Tatras Gerlach 3
834 x 550

Southern Carpathians, Romania :: Gerlach Peak, Slovakia

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Travel & Guide Books & Maps - Eastern Europe:-

High Tatra & Western Tatra: WKSK1

Romania - Rough GuideRomania & Moldova - Lonely Planet Guide Book Mountains of RomaniaRomania, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia & Montenegro - Insight Travel Map Insight Map Bulgaria / Romania / Yugoslavia

High Tatra - Rother Walking Guide Walking in The High Tatras Czech & Slovak Republics - Lonely Planet Czech & Slovak Republics - Rough Guide 

Under Eagle's Wings - Hikes, Bike, Horseback and Ski Tours in GeorgiaClassic Climbs in the Caucasus Trekking in the Caucasus Elbrus & Upper Baksan - Mountaineers & Skiers GuideMy Climbs in the Alps & Caucasus - A.F.Mummery Walking in the CaucasusGeorgia with Armenia - Bradt Travel Guide Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan - Lonely Planet - 2000 Georgia, Armenia & Azerbaijan - Lonely Planet - 2004

Eastern Europe - Lonely Planet Let's Go Eastern Europe Bread & Ashes - A Journey through the Mountains of Georgia Russia & Belarus Lonely Planet Ukraine Lonely Planet

Eiger Dreams - Jon Krakauer Climbing Free: My Life in the Vertical WorldExtreme Alpinism: Climbing Light, Fast & HighDougal Haston: Philosophy of RiskMountain Leadership Handbook of Climbing - Hamish MacInnesMountain Travellers Handbook High Achiever: Reinhold Messner

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