Bolivia Climbers Guide Trekking in Bolivia



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Cordillera Real in the Andes of Bolivia

Cordillera Real in the Andes of Bolivia

The Cordillera Real is a range of fold mountains

to the SE of Lake Titicaca

 and east of La Paz - the capital city of Bolivia.

The range is some 125km in length and 20km in width

and is relatively densely glaciated

despite being only 17° south of the Equator.

There are six mountains higher than 6,000m in the range:-

  • Pico del Norte ( 6070m )
  • Illampú ( 6368m)
  • Ancohuma ( 6427m )
  • Chachacomani ( 6074m )
  • Huayna Potosi ( 6088m )
  • Illimani ( 6438m )

Illampu in the Cordillera Real of Bolivia

Illampu ( 6368m )

 in the Cordillera Real of Bolivia

Ancohuma in the Cordillera Real of Bolivia

Ancohuma ( 6427m )

in the Cordillera Real

 from Lake Titicaca

Ancohuma in the Cordillera Real of Bolivia

Huayna Potosi ( 6088m )

in the Cordillera Real of Bolivia

Illimani in the Cordillera Real of Bolivia

Illimani ( 6438m )

 in the Cordillera Real of Bolivia

Condori Massi above Laguna Chiar Kota in the Cordillera Real of Bolivia

Condori Massi above Laguna Chiar Kota

 in the Cordillera Real of Bolivia

The Condoriri Massif is a complex of 13 peaks

 above the 5000 meter mark

Cabeza de Condor.

Cabeza de Condor in the Cordillera Real of Bolivia

Cabeza de Condor ( 5540m )

in the Cordillera Real of Bolivia

Map of Bolivia

Nevado Sajama

( The Highest Mountain in Bolivia )

The Andes :: World Mountains Photo Gallery

Map of South America :: Travel South America : Climbing South America

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Travel & Guide Books & Maps - South America:-

The Andes - 26 Treks & 18 Climbing Peaks  Bolivia Climbers Guide  Peru & Bolivia - Bradt Travel Guide  Trekking in Bolivia  Bolivia - Lonely Planet

Cordillera Blanca - Classic Climbs South America on a shoestring - Lonely Planet Peru Map - Rough GuideTrekking in the Central Andes - Lonely Planet Wild Winds - Adventures in the Highest Andes The Andes - A Guide for Climbers

Peru - Lonely Planet Peru - Rough Guide  Peru & Bolivia - Bradt Travel Guide

Lonely Planet: South America on a ShoestringLet's Go Peru, Bolivia, & EcuadorAndes Trekking Guide Lonely Planet Peru Rough Guide Peru Lonely Planet - PeruFootprint - Peru Machu Picchu Guide BookExplore the Inca Trail

Trekking in the Central Andes Trekking in the Patagonian Andes The Andes Climbing GuideTrekking & Climbing in the Andes

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Argentina - Lonely Planet Argentina - Rough Guide  Aconcagua: A Climbing Guide Aconcagua - Roof of the Andes Aconcagua - Ascents & Routes in the Southern Andes Aconcagua - A Climbing Guide Aconcagua - Summit of South America

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Flight of the Condor

Flight of the Condor

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