100 Hillwalks around Glasgow The Corbetts - SMC

 The West Highland Way

The High Mountains of Britain & Ireland West Highland Way: Trailblazer

Photographs of the West Highland Way

from Drymen via Conic Hill

to Balmaha on Loch Lomond.

Campsie Fells on route from Drymen to Balmaha

Campsie Fells

on route from Drymen

to Balmaha

Conic Hill

Conic Hill on route to Balmaha

Route from Drymen to Balmaha

Route from Drymen to Balmaha

Approach to Conic Hill

Approach to Conic Hill

Approach to Conic Hill

Approach to Conic Hill

Approach to Conic Hill

West Highland Way on Conic Hill

Balmaha from Conic Hill

Balmaha from Conic Hill

Balmaha beneath Conic Hill

Balmaha beneath Conic Hill

Marina at Balmaha

Marina at Balmaha

 on Loch Lomond

Inchcailloch from Balmaha


from Balmaha

 on Loch Lomond

Map of Drymen Area

Map of Drymen Area

Route Map for Conic Hill

Route Map for Conic Hill 

Route Description - Conic Hill

Location: Stirlingshire
Map: 0S Landranger 56 
Distance: 6 miles (10km )
Time: 3-4hours
Terrain: moderate hillwalk

Conic Hill has been described as a “fairly steep-sided hogs-back ridge", a pretty accurate description
although the origin of its name comes from the Gaelic A’Coinneach, which refers to moss or boggy
ground. That’s probably a better description, especially on a wet winter's afternoon.
A stiff climb rises from the car park in Balmaha up through the woods and on to a broad wet col and hence to
the summit of Conic Hill commanding the island-speckled waters of Loch Lomond.
Here lies a stretch of water that shares itself between the highlands and the lowlands, wide spreading and generous in its southern reaches but gradually growing narrower as it reaches north before its steel grey waters are
choked off by tumbling hillsides and crags.
Conic Hill stands slap-bang on the Highland Boundary Fault, the geological fault-line that runs from the
southern end of Loch Lomond to Stonehaven on the northeast coast, and in clear weather the views from
here are hard to beat.
To the south, the Garguunock and Fintry Hills lead in to the northern escarpment of the Campsies, and
through the wide gap of Strath Blane you might just glimpse the tower blocks of Glasgow. Further west,
the Kilpatrick Hills dominate before falling away into the Vale of Leven, through which the distant
chimney of the lnverkip Power Station on the River Clyde rises. Beyond it, natural forms reassert
themselves in the shape of the mountains of Arran.
ln the north, Ben Lomond rises over everything else and beyond it the tumble of mountains goes on
as though for ever. Across the loch the Luss hills give a gentle pre-amble to the wild form of the Arrochar
Alps and the surrealistic shape of their jewel, Ben Arthur / the Cobbler.

A full traverse of Conic Hill is obtained by following the West Highland Way from Drymen to Balmaha.

Conic Hill Photo Gallery :: West Highland Way Photo Gallery

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