Munros Tables SMC The Munros - Scotland's Highest Mountains

 The Scottish Highlands

Loch Mullardoch
The High Mountains of Britain & Ireland Northern Highlands


Sgurr na Lapaich and Loch Mullardoch on ascent of Beinn Fhionnlaidh

Sgurr na Lapaich and Loch Mullardoch

on ascent of

Beinn Fhionnnlaidh

Loch Mullardoch on ascent of Beinn Fhionnlaidh

Loch Mullardoch

 on ascent of Beinn Fhionnlaidh

Loch Mullardoch on ascent of Beinn Fhionnlaidh

Sgurr na Lapaich and Loch Mullardoch

 on ascent of Beinn Fhionnlaidh

Sgurr na Lapaich above Loch Mullardoch

Sgurr na Lapaich

above Loch Mullardoch

Sgurr na Lapaich above Loch Mullardoch

Sgurr na Lapaich

 above Loch Mullardoch

Loch Mullardoch

An Socath, An Riabhachan and Sgurr na Laipaich

 above Loch Mullardoch

An Socath, An Riabhachan and Sgurr na Laipaich from Beinn Fhionnnlaidh above Loch Mullardoch

An Socath, An Riabhachan and Sgurr na Laipaich

from Beinn Fhionnnlaidh

above Loch Mullardoch

An Socath, An Riabhachan and Sgurr na Laipaich from Toll Creagach above Loch Mullardoch

An Socath, An Riabhachan and Sgurr na Laipaich

from Toll Creagach

above Loch Mullardoch

Beinn Fhionnnlaidh, An Socath and An Riabhachan from Toll Creagach above Loch Mullardoch

Beinn Fhionnnlaidh, An Socath and An Riabhachan

from Toll Creagach

above Loch Mullardoch

An Socath and An Riabhachan from Toll Creagach above Loch Mullardoch

An Socath and An Riabhachan

from Toll Creagach

above Loch Mullardoch

An Socath and An Riabhachan from Toll Creagach above Loch Mullardoch

An Socath and An Riabhachan

 from Toll Creagach

 above Loch Mullardoch

An Socath and An Riabhachan from Toll Creagach above Loch Mullardoch

An Socath and An Riabhachan

 from Toll Creagach

 above Loch Mullardoch

Loch Mullardoch

Loch Mullardoch

Loch Mullardoch

Loch Mullardoch

Loch Mullardoch

Loch Mullardoch

Loch Mullardoch

Loch Mullardoch

Loch Mullardoch

Loch Mullardoch

View from Carn Eighe

View from Carn Eighe

Sgurr na Laipaich from Carn nan Gobhar

Sgurr na Laipaich from Carn nan Gobhar

Beinn Fhionnlaidh above Loch Mullardoch

Beinn Fhionnlaidh

Beinn Fhionnlaidh above Loch Mullardoch

Beinn Fhionnlaidh

Beinn Fhionnlaidh above Loch Mullardoch

Beinn Fhionnlaidh

Beinn Fhionnlaidh above Loch Mullardoch

Beinn Fhionnlaidh

Beinn Fhionnlaidh above Loch Mullardoch

Beinn Fhionnlaidh

Carn Eige from Beinn Fhionnlaidh

Carn Eige from Beinn Fhionnlaidh

Ascent from Beinn Fhionnlaidh to Carn Eige

Ascent from Beinn Fhionnlaidh to Carn Eige

Carn Eige

Carn Eige

View from Carn Eighe

View from Carn Eighe to Beinn Fhionnlaidh

and the Munros above Loch Mullardoch

Mam Sodhail from Carn Eige

Mam Sodhail from Carn Eige

View from  Beinn Fhionnlaidh

View from Beinn Fhionnlaidh

View from Carn Eighe

View from Carn Eighe

Loch Mullardoch

Loch Mullardoch

Loch Mullardoch

Loch Mullardoch

Map of Munros around Loch Mullardoch

Map of An Socath, An Riabhachan and Sgurr na Laipaich

around Loch Mullardoch

Map of Carn Eighe

Map of Carn Eighe

Map of Creag Dubh

Map of Creag Dubh - a Munro Top

Location: Creag Dubh, Mullardoch, lnverness-shire

Grade: Moderate mountain walk

Distance: 8 miles/13km

Time: 6-7 hours

At the head of Glen Cannich, Loch Mullardoch stretches out west with some fine Munros rising from its north shore.

Carn nan Gobhar, Sgurr na Lapaich, An Riabhachan and An Socach form a l5km corrie-bitten and wind-scoured ridge that requires a long walk-in along the northern shore of the loch.

The ascent of Carn nan Gobhar, high above the source of the Allt Mullardoch, makes a fine circular route of about 14-15km from the Mullardoch dam.

I walked this route in spring, when the sun shone on the lower slopes and snow still lay on the tops, and I recalled views of Glen Strathfarrar in the north and beyond to the big hills of the Monar Forest I also remembered the close-up views of Sgurr na Lapaich, the most majestic of all the Mullardoch Munros. 

Having been robbed of our desired destination for t.he day we set off for a repeat ascent of Cam nan Gobhar instead.

As we set off it became apparent we might not get things our own way. It was blowing a gale and the waters of Loch Mullardoch were being whipped up into fiendish squalls.

As we left the lochside and followed the oourse of the Allt Mullardoch we were mercifully sheltered from the wind but I knew that once we reached the ridge that runs west to Cam nan Gobhar that wind would hit us head-on.

A boggy footpath runs up the Allt Mullardoch into Coire an t-Sith, the fairy corrie, so we made the rnost of it, enjoying the swirl of the peat-brown waters of the burn before climbing the steeper slopes of Cam nan Gobhar’s eastern top, Creag  Dubh (946m/3105ft ).

It had been a pleasant enough climb, despite the boggy underfoot conditions and the showers of monsoon-type rain.

Clad from head to foot in GoreTex we were well protected from most  of the elements, but even the best of waterproofs wouldn't stop us being battered and rocked by the wind. On the high ridge the wind was so ferocious it forced us into another unplanned route change.

Instead of fighting into the gales we'd go in the opposite direction and allow the wind to blow us along to the stony summit of Creag Dubh, down easy slopes to a high bealach, then over a couple of unnamed subsidiary tops before descending Coire Eoghainn back to the Mullardoch dam. It was a good plan. The wind didn't bother us too much now that it was blowing at our backs and we wandered over some unnamed tops that are visited rarely, if at all, by the baggers.

Once we left the main Carn nan Gobhar ridge there was no sign of  man-made paths or tracks, only us and the wind and the occasional roaring of red deer stags. Below Creag Dubh we took shelter behind a rather curious 60m-long  dry stone wall and tried to figure out what its purpose was. 

Could it be the remnant of some older dividing wall, separating parishes or communities, or could it have been created by trainee drystanedykers on a high-level training course?  We had no idea, but were grateful for the shelter it gave us to enjoy our coffee and piece.

Two more caimed summits took us east towards our earlier destination, Sgorr na Diollaid.

Easy slopes took us down Cuire Eoghainn then, just as I thought we were almost there, steep slopes of old  heather and invisible streams gave a purgatorial final half-hour. It was a bedraggled pair who reached the road but by this time, with the exercise-induced endorphins flowing, we declared it a memorable walk, if only for the uncertainty of it all.

Route Description for Creag Dubh


Map: OS 1:50,000 Landranger 25 ( Glen Carron and Glen Attric )

Distance: About 6 miles/13km

Time: 6-7 hours

Start: Mullardoch Dam ( GR: NH223310 )

Route: From the dam at the end of Loch Mullardoch follow the road on the

N side for a short distance to a boat hut. Just beyond the hut the road ends

and a rough footpath continues along the N shore of the loch. Follow this path

for 1.5km to the bridge over the Allt Mullardoch (NN206318). Follow the E

bank of the stream up into Coire an t-Sith At the end of the path continue N up

steeper slopes to the summit of Creag  Dubh. Descend SE to a high bealach

with a curious wall then continue ESE to a large cairn at spot helght 861. Follow

the broad ridge E for a short distance before descending the slopes of Coire

Eoghainn back to the start.

Route Description for Creag Dubh

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